- Electrophoresis (2)

Exicycler™ V5 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Block simultaneously reads 96 or 384 well using self-patented LT (Light Tunnel) technology which uniformly detects excited light, excitation light blocking technology and a 2D sensor. Those allow minimized optical sensitivity and deviation between wells during the real-time gene amplification. Furthermore, the installed thermal block is designed in standard 96-well or 384-well format, allowing to be used with standard 0.1 or 0.2 ml PCR tube (white type) for high convenience.

ExiPrep™96 Lite is a instrument that automatically extracts nucleic acids using magnetic rods from up to 96 samples. Nucleic acid extraction is possible within less than 30 minutes in a small place (width 40 x height 58 cm).

ExiProgen™ is an instrument that automatically synthesizes protein from DNA. This product performs In-vitro transcription and translation automatically when loaded with DNA coding a protein and a protein synthesis kit. By purifying this protein through affinity chromatography method, more than 90% pure protein can be obtained within 6 hours and up to 16 species can be produced at one time. In addition, highly expressed affinity tagged proteins can be purified in cell lines with high purity.

Agaro-Power™ is an agarose gel electrophoresis system allowing to quickly load 96 samples using a multipipette.

DUALED Blue / White Transilluminator is designed innovatively with highly sensitive dual light sources to observe nucleic acids stained fluorescently with dyes such as GreenStar™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution I (Cat. No. C-9036, Bioneer) using 470 nm blue LED light. This product can be also used for visualizing proteins on SDS-PAGE gel stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining solution using white LED light. Furthermore, with the use of LED light harmless to human health, it can provide safe lab environment during agarose gel cutting and data imaging analysis.