1 kb DNA Ladder is designed for determining the size of double stranded DNA ranging between 500 to
10,000 bp. The 1 kb Ladder consists of DNA fragments 0.5, 1.0, 1.6, 2.0, 3 (2.961), 4, 5 (5.007),
6 (5.991), 8 and 10 (10.2) kb. The 2.961 kb band is approximately two times brighter for easy
Features and Benefits
Complete and ready to load: |
Convenient |
Easy-to-Identify reference bands: |
Easy-to-read results |
Competitive pricing: |
Great value for your research dollar |
The DNA ladder can be applied directly onto an agarose gel. There is no need to heat before loading. Repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided.