


AccuTarget Genome-wide Predesigned siRNA library from Bioneer

siRNA Library with over 132,000 predesigned siRNA's from Human, Mouse and Rat, with an 80% siRNA knockdown guarantee

Search and Order

Bioneer offers over 132,000 predesigned siRNAs for more than 44,000 target genes from Human, Mouse and Rat. Search our extensive siRNA library by Gene ID, Symbol, Synonyms, Description, or Accession Number. Once you find your gene of interest, choose your guaranteed yield and purification level, and check your predicted siRNA knockdown efficiency. You can even order your qPCR primers for siRNA knockdown validation. Convenient and easy siRNA ordering - only from Bioneer.

Features and Benefits

High siRNA knockdown rates: 2 of three siRNAs suppress target mRNA levels > 80%
Unique design algorithm: Maximizes siRNA nockdown while minimizing off target effects
Competitive pricing: Great value for your research dollar

©2010 Bioneer Corporation