


ExiProgen™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit from Bioneer

For various cultured bacterial cells, Automatic Genomic DNA Extraction Kit – ExiProgen™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Ordering Information


Starting culture volume: up to 1X109 cells
Elution volume: 50 - 100 ul
Expected Yield: up to 10 ug
Expected Purity (A260/280): > 1.8


PCR, Quantitative real time PCR, Gene cloning, Genetics, Classification of bacteria


Fig. 1

Experimental Data

Fig. 2
Fig. 1 Agarose gel electrophoresis results of genomic DNA extracted from E.coli cell(1X109 cells)
Results of gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA extracted from E.coli cell(1X109 cells). Yields were on average 8-12ug and purities (A260/A280) were at least (average) 1.8. Also, to observe cross-contamination that may occur during the extraction process, the E.coli cell(1X109 cells) were placed in a checkerboard pattern, and the rest of the wells were filled with D.W. No cross-contamination could be detected. M; Size marker, S; Extraction with E.coli cell(1X109 cells) sample, B; Extraction with D.W only.

Fig. 3
Fig. 2 Real-time PCR results(MTB & NTM) of genomic DNA extracted from sputum samples
Real-time PCR results using an AccuPower® MTB & NTM EX Real-Time PCR Kit(MTN-1111, Bioneer) and run on Exicycler™ 96 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Block (A-2060, Bioneer) from genomic DNA extracted from 10ml of sputum samples.

©2010 Bioneer Corporation