


ExiPrep Plus Tissue Genomic DNA Kit from Bioneer

For various animal tissue samples, Automatic Genomic DNA Extraction Kit – ExiPrep Plus Tissue Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Ordering Information


Starting culture volume: up to 25 mg
Elution volume: 50 - 100 ul
Expected Yield: 5 - 20 ug
Expected Purity (A260/280): > 1.8


PCR, real time PCR, Cloning, SNP analysis, Pharmacogenomics, Genetics


Fig. 1

Experimental Data

Fig. 2
Fig. 1 Agarose gel electrophoresis results of genomic DNA extracted from mouse tissue
Results of gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA extracted from 25mg mouse lung tissue. Yields were on average 15-20ug and purities (A260/A280) were at least (average) 1.8. Also, to observe cross-contamination that may occur during the extraction process, the mouse tissue samples were placed in a checkerboard pattern, and the rest of the wells were filled with D.W. No cross-contamination could be detected. M; Size marker, S; Extraction with mouse tissue sample, B; Extraction with D.W only.

Fig. 3
Fig. 2 Agarose gel electrophoresis results of genomic DNA extracted from mouse tail tip
Results of gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA extracted from mouse tail tip. Yields were on average up to 15ug and purities (A260/A280) were at least (average) 1.8. Also, to observe cross-contamination that may occur during the extraction process, the mouse tail tip samples were placed in a checkerboard pattern, and the rest of the wells were filled with D.W. No cross-contamination could be detected. M; Size marker, S; Extraction with mouse tail tip sample, B; Extraction with D.W only.

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