


Protonion™ 96 Viral RNA Kit

Ordering Information

  • 96 well Automated Viral RNA extraction kit
  • Protocol time 30 minutes
  • For use with Exiprep 96 Lite, Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction system

Features and Benefits

  • Speedy:
    Viral RNA extraction of up to 96 samples in 30 minutes
  • Easy:
    Prefilled Cartridges. Minimized hands-on steps
  • Flexibility:
    Run 32, 64 or 96 patient samples at a time
  • Accuracy:
    Prevention of PCR inhibition by EtOH

Workflow video

(Note: This video describes Exiprep 96 Lite with K-4611.)


Specimen Sputum, Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal swab
Starting volume 400 ul
Elution volume 100 ul
Instrumention ExiPrep™ 96 Lite
Throughput 96 tests/run
Running 30 min.

The beads in Protonion™

  • magnetic particles that surface charge changes depending on the pH
  • According to charge of surface, collecting viral RNA at low pH and recovering it at high pH
  • Does NOT use EtOH
      - More accurate diagnosis due to prevention of PCR inhibition
       by EtOH included in eluent
      - More rapid extraction by elimiating EtOH dry step
