


AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix

AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix — amplify up to 20 targets in a single tube

Ordering Information

AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix can amplify up to 20 target genes in a single tube. AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix contains Bioneer’s unique enzyme-mediated HotStart technology with Pyrophosphatase (PPase) and Pyrophosphate (PPi) for efficient suppression of non-specific products and enhanced amplification specificity.
AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix can be used for a variety of applications including genotyping assays or molecular diagnostics, and can also be used for cDNA-based semi-quantitative assays.

Features and Benefits

Flexibility: Up to 20 different target genes from human genomic DNA can be amplified in a single tube

Specificity: Pyrophosphate (PPi) has high affinity for Mg2+. By adding PPi to the reaction mixture, the Mg2+ ions necessary for normal PCR are bound, preventing DNA polymerase activity. This PPi-Mg2+ binding prevents non-specific before PCR (zero-cycle) product formation. Upon thermal cycling, the pyrophosphatase (PPase) that is also added to the mixture is activated (>70°C) and hydrolyzes the PPi to 2 phosphate groups and facilitates the release of Mg2+, which is then available for DNA polymerase to use and resume normal activity.

Easy-to-use: All reaction components required for PCR, including thermostable DNA polymerase and dNTPs are contained within each tube and in a lyophilized “PreMix” form. The user needs only to add template DNA, primers and water to perform up to 20-plex PCR. Materials necessary for loading agarose gels for electrophoresis are also added in the reaction, negating the need to add loading dye after PCR is completed.

Reproducibility: Each batch is produced under strict quality controls. Errors that may occur during mass production are eliminated during the individual packaging process. Bioneer’s current batch processing system allows for the production of more accurate and reproducible end-product. Additionally, the streamlining of setup using a lyophilized premix enhances reproducibility by minimizing setup variables.

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