DNA/RNA Amplification

Molecular Biology instruments and reagents from Bioneer

DNA/RNA Amplification

AccuPower® Taq PCR PreMix
AccuPower® PCR Premix
AccuPower® PyroHotStart PCR PreMix
AccuPower® HotStart PCR PreMix
AccuPower® TLA PCR PreMix
AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix
AccuPower® CycleScript RT PreMix
AccuPower® RT PreMix
AccuPower® RT-PCR PreMix
AccuPower® RocketScript RT PreMix
AccuPower® RocketScript Cycle RT PreMix
AccuPower® DualStar qPCR PreMix
AccuPower® DNA Ligation PreMix


ExiPrep™ Blood Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Tissue Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Plant Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Rice Genomic DNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Tissue total RNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Cell total RNA Kit
ExiPrep™ Viral DNA/RNA Kit
AccuPrep Plasmid MiniPrep DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep Nano-Plus Plasmid DNA Extraction Kits
AccuPrep Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep PCR Purification Kit
AccuPrep Gel Purification Kit
AccuPrep GMO DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep Stool DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep Viral RNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep 96 Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep 96 Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
AccuPrep 96 PCR Purification Kit
BioVac 96 Vacuum Manifold
Blood RNA PrepMate
Tissue RNA PrepMate
Viral RNA PrepMate
DNA PrepMate - M
DNA PrepMate - II

DNA/RNA Synthesis Reagents/

DNA Phosphoramidites
RNA Phosphoramidites
Amino Linker Phosphoramidites
Spacer Phosphoramidites
Labeling and others
CPGs for oligo synthesis


Taq DNA Polymerase
Top DNA Polymerase
HotStart DNA Polymerase
TLA DNA Polymerase
CycleScript Reverse Transcriptase
M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase
RocketScript™ Reverse Transcriptase
T4 DNA Ligase

Gene Synthesis

Gene Synthesis
Point Mutation

DNA Ladders & Markers

25/100 bp Mixed DNA Ladder
100 bp DNA Ladder
100 bp Plus DNA Ladder
1 kb DNA Ladder
Lambda DNA / EcoR I Marker
Lambda DNA / Hind III Marker
Lambda DNA / EcoR I + Hind III Marker


Standard Custom Oligos
Oligonucleotides for High Throughput Screening
Modified Oligos
Extendamers™(Long oligonucleotides)
Large Scale Oligonucleotide SynthesisCustom RNA Oligonucleotides
Oligo Handling and Storage
Guaranteed Yield
Oligo Purification


AccuTarget™ Genome-wide Predesigned siRNA library
AccuTarget™ Predesigned siRNA Library
AccuTarget™ Real-time PCR Primer Library
AccuTarget™ Validated Real-Time PCR Primer Library
AccuTarget™ Control siRNA
AccuTarget™ Custom siRNA
SAMiRNA: siRNA Prodrug
AccuTarget™ miRNA Mimics & Inhibitors
AccuTarget™ miRNA Mimics Negative and Positive Controls

Yeast Genome-wide Library

S. pombe Deletion Mutant Library
S. cerevisiae VN-Fusion Library


Exicycler 96
ExiPrep™ 16 Plus
BioVac 96 Vacuum Manifold
Tissue Homogenization Set


White 8-tube PCR tube
Adhesive optical sealing film
White 96-well PCR plate

Drug Target Identification

Drug Target Identification